Sunday 12 November 2006

My first post!!!

Hello WORLD!!! My name is Jimmy Kho.

This is my very first post. Well, this actually isn't my first attempt at blogging. Tried it once on friendster's sucks and I hated it. I did it mainly because it was FREE...and it was something new at that time. That was years ago. My first and only post there, was a long boring paragraph describing myself. Knowing all my friends on frienster were going to read whatever I am going to write, I was conservative and thought long hard about what to write...or rather what NOT to write. I didn't know what to write. I deleted that blog after 3 months. is my 30th birthday. What better way to celebrate my 3 decades of human existance on the lonely planet than to create something that record my remaining life on this earthly domant in cyber space....and for the world to see.

So why am I starting to blog again? Well, been reading up on some interesting blogs mostly by local Malaysians (yes, I am Malaysian) from politically serious stuff ( to down to earth hilarious (, I guess blogging is something I could do spend my spare time (which I have plenty at the moment....more on that later).

Why sepetguy? Well this I 'stole' from Yasmin Ahmad's movie 'Sepet', depicting a Chinese guy romantic love story with a Malay girl. Yes, I am a chinese (hence sepet) and I am married to a malay....actually my wife is Indonesian (ok ok, some might argue that indonesian is not malay but I dare to differ...based on historical studies...the penisular malay came from indonesian sumatera and jawa.... so my view is that indonesian are more malay than malaysian malay...I rest my case). What I am not is a pirated vcd paddler and I don't ride motorcycle. Actually I am nothing like Jason (the main character in the movie) besides the fact that he is a Chinese. I do admire this particular character for his love of cultures other than his own. (If you haven't watch the movie, I really suggest you go to your local video store and get yourself an ORIGINAL copy of the vcd/dvd).

I shall close my very first post with a quote from Baha'u'llah ...."the earth is but one country, and makind its citizen"

(Baha'u'llah, the prophet founder of the Baha'i Faith....oh ya, today is also His Birthday)